stem solitary, 1/2–1 ft. high, simple rather slender, pubescent; leaves erect or ascending, shortly petiolate, 2–3 1/2 in. long, 1 1/2–2 1/2 lin. broad, linear, acute, with revolute margins, somewhat scabrous-pubescent above and on the midrib beneath; umbels 1–2, terminal and lateral, pedunculate, 2–2 1/4 in. in diam., 5–6-flowered; pedicels 5–7 lin. long, pubescent; sepals 2 3/4–4 lin. long, 1 1/2 lin. broad, lanceolate, acute, pubescent; corolla about 2/3 in. in diam., subglobose or globose-campanulate, lobed to about half-way down or less, glabrous and apparently whitish inside, pubescent and dull violaceous-brown on the tube outside; tube 5–6 lin. long; lobes recurved, 2 1/2–3 lin. long, 4–5 lin. broad, very broadly ovate, obtuse; corona-lobes complicate, with the basal part 1 1/2 lin. long, 3/4 lin. broad, linear, horizontally radiating from the base of the staminal column, slightly upcurved and bifid at the apex, from which the thin sides slope upwards (1 1/2 lin. high) to the level of the base of the anther-appendages and are adnate to the column up to the base of the anthers, above which they form small free deltoid obtuse erect lobules, with a narrow double wing on the outer side, very minutely papillate-puberulous, on their inner surface, but there is no horn or other process within; staminal column 2 1/2 lin. long, not dilated at the base; anther-appendages elliptic-oblong, rounded at the apex, erect, shorter than the style-apex and adpressed to it between its lobes; anther-wings small, about 2/3 lin. long, extending down to about the middle of the column; style-apex convex, with a small crater-like pit at the top, and 5 stellately radiating compressed lobes 1 1/3–1 1/2 lin. long, some what falcately oblong in side view, with a tubercle or gibbosity on each side at the base, very obtuse and upcurved at the tips, which spread out about as far as the corona-lobes, apparently whitish. null